- Solo Exhibition 2014
  - Solo Exhibition 2012
  - Tokyo Design Festa 2011
  - New Artists Exhibition 2011
  - 3rd Value Exhibition 2002
  - 2nd Value Exhibition 2001
  - Blindsound Module 2001
  - University Project 1999
�����ڷ� :: http://www.neolook.net/archives/20020428a
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[About Work]
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[Artist Statement]
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[About Work]
I tried to listen to the irrational and sporadical images inside me.
The images that suddenly came into me while listening to music, dreaming in bed, or that is mixed up with my memories.
I wanted it to be deeper as I kept on pursuing those.
Though it is pouring hard, the sand is blowing from the ground I'm standing on. That feeling which makes me feel nausea...
No matter how scary it is that is happening outside and how hard it rains, nothing happens to the dummy who is beholding it.
The dummy is peeping outside hiding himself in there.

[Artist Statement]
There are these images I always have a deep attachment to.
They are the images of an exhausted person especially woman.., cube, and water.
The image of a woman dying on thorns.., or the image of a witch like woman is attractive.
I found that the image of a witch stands out when the traditional oriental pattern and the face of a woman overlap.
The cube the object I adore, lean on, or escape to.
The space I'm looking at and the exhausted images in that space are in a state of confrontation just as the inside and the outside.
This space has lodged itself inside me since I was very young like a shield.
Although dry and empty, it is slightly wet and warm.
Though sinking infinitely, it is comfortable and I can hear the sound of the rain outside.
The sound that helps me sleep seetly.
Just like the comfort that I feel when I hear the rain outside or the feel of the cool wet towel on my forehead when suffering from a fever...


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